Ischigualasto |
Rocío Eraso
Bruno Bettiol
El Valle de la Luna o Ischigualasto constituye uno de los testimonios más ricos de la evolución geológica y biológica del planeta. Ubicado al norte de la provincia de San Juan, los 45 Km que integran el área de reserva natural permiten descifrar las tres etapas del período triásico, es decir, el estado de la tierra hace 230 millones de años. En el valle, los científicos leen, como en un libro, los avatares de todo un segmento de la era Mesozoica.
Ischigualasto Provincial Park, AKA "Valle de la luna" (Moon Valley), makes up one of the richest testimonies to the geological and biological evolution of the planet. Located at the north of the province of San Juan, its 45 km of natural reserve area allow us to figure out the three stages of the Triassic period, that is, the state of the soil 230 million years ago. In the Valley, scientists read, as though it were a book, the vicissitudes of an essential segment from the Mesozoic era.
Actualmente, se ocupa de la preservación y cuidado, así como de las visitas en general, el Ente Autárquico Ischigualasto, institución que surge a partir de que la UNESCO confiriera a la región el carácter de Patrimonio Natural de la Humanidad. Para datos concretos, puede mencionarse que en el año 1958 fueron hallados aquí los restos de cerca de 100 animales prehistóricos.
Nowadays, the Non-departmental Public Body of Ischigualasto (Ente Autárquico Ischigualasto) is in charge of the care and preservation of the valley, as well as the visits in general. Such body arose after the UNESCO conferred the status of World Heritage Site on the region. If you are looking for concrete facts, it is worth-mentioning that, in the year 1958, there were found here near one hundred remains of prehistoric animals.
Sin embargo, no sólo los expertos y los paleontólogos aman este paraje de insondable belleza; son miles los viajeros que arriban cada año a San Juan, deseosos de dejarse hipnotizar por el misterio. Llegados al parque, un guía recibe y acompaña a los visitantes a través de un recorrido de Turismo Vivencial por aquellos sectores más significativos de la historia terrestre.
However, not only the experts and the paleontologist are in love with this place of untold beauty; it's the thousands of travellers that every year arrive to San Juan, willing to be mesmerized by the mystery. Once arrived to the park, the visitors are welcome by a guide who leads them in a journey of experiencial tourism through the most significant areas of terrestrial history.
El primer punto de la excursión es el Gusano, del triásico medio. Es todo un placer comprobar cómo en el diseño de la roca multiforme abundan los vestigios del antiguo lago y de la vegetación exuberante; puede imaginarse allí a los vertebrados descansando luego de una ardua lucha por la supervivencia.
The first point of the excursion is The Worm, from the Middle Triassic. It is a pleasure to behold and discover how the multiform rock is the place for vestiges of the ancient lake and erstwhile lush vegetation. One can picture the vertebrates having a rest there after an ardous struggle for survival.
However, not only the experts and the paleontologist are in love with this place of untold beauty; it's the thousands of travellers that every year arrive to San Juan, willing to be mesmerized by the mystery. Once arrived to the park, the visitors are welcome by a guide who leads them in a journey of experiencial tourism through the most significant areas of terrestrial history.
El primer punto de la excursión es el Gusano, del triásico medio. Es todo un placer comprobar cómo en el diseño de la roca multiforme abundan los vestigios del antiguo lago y de la vegetación exuberante; puede imaginarse allí a los vertebrados descansando luego de una ardua lucha por la supervivencia.
The first point of the excursion is The Worm, from the Middle Triassic. It is a pleasure to behold and discover how the multiform rock is the place for vestiges of the ancient lake and erstwhile lush vegetation. One can picture the vertebrates having a rest there after an ardous struggle for survival.
Ischigualasto |
History moves forward to the Late Triassic on the Painted Valley, where most part of the dinosaurs have achieved immortality in the rocks of the extinct lake Ischichuca, the sediments of which have dyed the land with manifold and unusual colours. To this period belongs the Field of Bowls, named so because its neat, rounded and smooth stones, which are spreaded on a completely arid ground.
La geoforma El Submarino es probablemente la postal más famosa del Valle de la Luna, con sus esculpidas figuras como tótems solemnes. De similar popularidad es El Hongo, perteneciente a la misma franja temporal. El último tramo de la visita se acerca al triásico superior alto, correspondiente a los más recientes sedimentos en relación al conjunto. Se trata de las Barrancas Coloradas, imponentes muros de arcilla donde quedó registrado el movimiento de los vendavales de hace 220 millones de años.
The Submarine is probably the most famous postcard from The Moon Valley, a geological formation with carved figures like dignified totems. Of similar popularity is The Mushroom, from the same time frame. Coming closer to the end of the tour, we reach the Upper Triassic, which has the more recent sediments overall. This is the Barrancas Coloradas (red slopes), awe-inspiring walls of clay on which the furious gales have let its imprints 220 million years ago.
La visita contempla también las expresiones actuales de la vida natural y cultural que circula en torno al valle, así como las huellas históricas de los ancestrales pobladores de la región de Cuyo. De esta manera, el viaje al Valle de la Luna integra pasado y presente, en un paseo para reflexionar, comprender y maravillarse.
The place also offers the chance of being part of today's natural and cultural expressions sorrounding the valley, as well as the historic sings of the ancient native inhabitants to the region of Cuyo. In this way, both present and past are together in the trip to The Moon Valley; a journey to think, comprehend and amaze yourself.
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The place also offers the chance of being part of today's natural and cultural expressions sorrounding the valley, as well as the historic sings of the ancient native inhabitants to the region of Cuyo. In this way, both present and past are together in the trip to The Moon Valley; a journey to think, comprehend and amaze yourself.
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